Blucher Educational Services for Boundless Potential

​Contact Us: 410-991-0078​

Services are provided primarily by Rose Blucher. She is also fortunate to be able to collaborate with numerous affiliate experts in the area!
Support Services​
- Individual parent services
-Individual student support
​Educational Services
- Assessments & Evaluation
- Identifying Learning Difficulties
- School Visits
Professional Development
​- Large and small group workshops
- Onsite trainings for school teams

​School Observation
- Direct observation in school setting​
- Collaborate with teachers on tasks​
- Develop techniques to communicate​
- Assist with program development
- Provide resources for school staff​
Ancillary Services
Occupational Therapy Services:
Debra R. Taylor, Annapolis, MD
Psychological Services:
Anthony B. Wolff, Ph.D.
Arnold, MD
Guiding Exceptional Parents:
Sarah Wayland, Ph.D.
Riverdale, MD
Advocacy Services
-Review of school records
-Determining appropriate programming and supports
-Assistance with understanding IDEA and Section 504
-Attending school team meetings

Professional Development Topics!
Strength-based Strategy Development
Understanding Diagnosis and Assessment
Strategies for Team Building
Differentiation Strategies for All
Identifying Twice Exceptional Students: A Holistic Approach
Understanding & Supporting Twice Exceptional Students
...and so much more!