Blucher Educational Services for Boundless Potential
​Contact Us: 410-991-0078​
I have worked with Mrs. Blucher in the area of special education for over 28 years and have found her to be an expert in the field. Her knowledge base in both special education policy and procedure is exemplary. Mrs. Blucher's very strong understanding of the state and federal regulations is paramount in her ability to program appropriately for students with special needs. She works tirelessly with school-based teams, teachers, parents and students to obtain appropriate services and generally creates a win-win situation for all involved. I have known Mrs. Blucher to be a team player, helping students, and ultimately their parents, obtain good, quality services that allow their children to thrive in their educational environment.
Rose helped me understand my child, and worked collaboratively with the school team to make sure he was both challenged and supported. Without her support, I don't know where he would be today.
- S.W. ~ Riverdale , MD
As a special educator, I have the utmost respect for Rose Blucher and her expertise in the area of twice exceptional children. She has presented nationally and internationally as one of the premier experts in her field!
- Diane Dormio M. Ed.~ Bowie, MD
Compliance Specialist
-Beverly Rambo ~ Annapolis, MD
Educational Consultant
I was Rose's colleague for many years. She is truly exceptional! She possesses a wealth of knowledge on enabling 2 E kids to excel, and she is a dynamic presenter! Her workshops are truly enjoyable and enlightening.
- Kathy Rupard ~ Cheverly, MD
Twice Exceptional Specialist, Retired
As a special educator and the parent of a twice exceptional child (now young adult), I can honestly say that Rose Blucher was a life line for me and my husband as we tried to find the best course of action for my gifted son who was struggling to be successful in high school. As he is not a typical twice exceptional child (if there is one), Rose helped us understand his needs and helped his teachers understand what they would need to do to be supportive of him. Today, he has a Master’s Degree in Education and is teaching 6th grade English/Language Arts. Rose definitely had a hand in that turnaround!
- Abby L.W. Crowley, EdD, Parent
Director of Professional Development Catholic Charities, DC
It was wonderful working with Rose. She was instrumental in helping me implement an appropriate education plan for my twice exceptional son. She provided kind and professional support during meetings; invaluable knowledge about my son’s learning style; and critical strategies to support dual differentiation. She is a brilliant consultant, and her interaction with children is magical!!
Rose Blucher is an outstanding resource to all! Her enduring work in the area of twice exceptional children is extraordinary. She has a wealth of knowledge and is able to facilitate a hands-on approach to assist schools and parents in understanding the support and services process. Ms. Blucher was my mentor for several years. Her kind spirit and warm heart towards others made it easy to take her lead. I attended many of her trainings where she was able to show me how to assess, develop and model strategies to work with students who are twice exceptional. Ms. Blucher's workshops are fun, creative and interactive. If you have ever attended one, you know what I am talking about! I cannot be more grateful to have had such a talented individual coach and mentor as I began my work with twice exceptional learners.